10 Questions to Help You Choose the Right Divorce Attorney

Man with suitcase

Did you know that 41% of all first marriages end in divorce? The percentage goes up higher to 60% for second marriages and 73% of third marriages. When faced with divorce, you might feel disoriented with no one to turn to. Finding the right divorce attorney is the key to a quick and less expensive divorce. However, if you choose the wrong attorney, you are setting yourself up for a long, drawn-out financial and emotional nightmare.

Before settling on one attorney, it’s a good idea to research and conduct an interview with at least three potential lawyers. During the interview, here are ten questions that will help you find the right divorce attorney.

1. Is divorce law your specialty?
There are many attorneys who practice in more than just one area of law. It might not be a deal-breaker, but it would be better to get an attorney who handles just divorce cases. However, they come at a higher fee.

2. What percentage of your cases are divorce-related?
If you choose an attorney, who practices more than one area of law, knowing how many divorce cases he handles will give you an idea of his specialty.

3. How do you bill your clients?
This is one important question that should never be left out. Ask the attorney if they bill on hourly bases and how much is their retainer. Do not forget to ask if they bill for phone calls and emails. This way you will have a rough estimate of how much it will all cost you.

4. Have you taken any cases to trial?
While 90% of all divorce cases are settled out of court, you do not want to have to look for another lawyer if your case goes to court. It is therefore important to get an attorney who has taken several cases to trial.

5. Who will be handling my case?
Some attorneys are partners in a firm and have associates. The partner will “touch” your case, but the associates are the ones handling your case. Some clients prefer having an associate handle their case because they have a lower rate and have fewer cases to handle.

6. How to get in touch and how long a response will take?
Communication with your attorney is critical. Waiting for days to get a response is frustrating. A reasonable attorney will return your email and call in 24 hours.

7. Will I receive copies of documents regarding my case?
Reasonable attorneys will provide you with copies of everything they receive or send out regarding your case.

8. Do you prefer negotiations and mediations or going to court?
It all depends on your preferences. Their answer will help you decide if their methods are the best fit for you.

9. Have you represented a client in a similar situation in the past?
If they have represented someone in a similar situation, they will know the procedures and common practices.

10. How do you determine if a settlement is a good offer?
The attorney should explain the framework they use to determine if the deal should be accepted or rejected.

Case Evaluation with Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah Divorce Attorney Eric M. Swinyard

If you are looking for an experienced divorce attorney in Utah, contact the Law Offices of Eric Swinyard and get a 30-minute consultation. Eric Swinyard is committed to providing his clients with compassion and providing excellent results in challenging divorce and family law issues. We are happy to answer any questions you have and talking about legal options that will work best for your situation. Give us a call today at (801) 515-4133We conveniently have locations in Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah.